- Walk outside to a spot where there is a clear view of the highest point of the church roof. Discuss what would happen if someone jumped or fell from that spot.
- Today’s story is about satan trying to TEMPT Jesus to disobey God. But Jesus obeyed God through every TEMPTATION (ideas that are wrong).
- Satan tried to trick Jesus with lies but Jesus HELD ONTO THE TRUTH (the Word of God). God’s Word was sharp like a sword. It cut through satan’s lies and protected the heart and mind of Jesus.
- Let’s declare together: GOD’S WORD IS SHARP
WORKTABLES: student worksheets / step-by-step guide
- Draw and Color: A SWORD
- Transition: Criss Cross Applesauce
- Call to worship: I Hear the Blowing of the Shofar
- Year Theme Song: God Covers Me in Armor
- Song for January: Create In Me A Clean Heart /songsheet/ Instrument: Triangle
- Song for January: God’s Word Is A Lamp To My Feet / Tune and words / Debka Dance
- Song for January: I’ll Hide God’s Word In My Heart, Heart, Heart
- Song: Holy Spirit Teach Us / Tune only / Lyrics and Actions
- Find the story in one of the student Bibles. Encourage the children to read the story with their families at home.
Bible Story: Dramatize using JESUS costume/stuffed snake for satan OR Read: The Temptation of Jesus OR Storytell with props (rocks, tall toy building, globe)
Bible Story Main Points for Storytelling:
- After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness. The wilderness is a hard place to be. There are no grocery stores in the wilderness, no houses or hotels, no restaurants… it is a desert place. While Jesus was there He was fasting; He was saying NO to food. He was hungry for God. He was listening to (feeding on) God’s Word and praying. His Father was making Him strong on the inside.
- Well, along came that sneaky snake. Remember him? He’s the one who tricked Adam and Eve in the garden. He wanted to destroy Adam and Eve so he told them a lie. And, oh no, they listened to the sneaky snake!
- Now, satan wanted to trick and destroy Jesus! “If only he could trick Jesus and get Him to listen to his lies,” he thought. So satan said, “Jesus, you have been saying NO to food. You must be very hungry. If You really are the Son of God, why don’t You use Your power to turn these stones into bread? You need bread to stay alive.”
- But Jesus shook His head and said, “No, satan. The Word of God says, “Man needs more than bread. Man needs the Word of God.” Jesus did NOT listen to satan. He listened to God, His Father.
- Humph! Satan was mad. He didn’t trick Jesus. “I really want to destroy Jesus!” So he tried again.
- Satan took Jesus to the roof top of the Temple and said, “Go ahead and jump off the roof, Jesus! If You are the Son of God, angels will catch You!”
- But Jesus shook His head and said, “No, satan. The Word of God says, “Do not test God.” Jesus did NOT listen to satan. He listened to God, His Father.
- Humph, Humph!! Satan was mad. He still didn’t trick Jesus. So he tried one more time.
- Satan took Jesus to a VERY TALL mountain and said, “Look at all the land and all the people, Jesus. If You bow down to me, I will give it all to You!”
- But Jesus shook His head and said, “No, satan. The Word of God says, “Worship only God. Do not bow down to any other god.” Jesus did NOT listen to satan. He listened to God, His Father.
- Humph, Humph, Humph!!! Satan was very mad. He could NOT trick Jesus. So satan left. Angels came and took care of Jesus.
- Jesus was stronger than Adam and Eve. And Jesus is stronger than satan. Jesus had God’s protection. The Word of God was protecting Jesus from satan’s lies! JESUS always OBEYED His Father! He will help us obey God, too. God wants us to be safe from the sneaky, lying snake. God has REALLY GOOD things for us when we listen to Him.
Release children one at a time, with their play cards, to choose a center.
- DRY TABLE: Wilderness Sand / Rocks / Colored Cubes
- TRAIN TABLE: Cars/Trucks and Roadway
- KITCHEN: Standard Foods
- PLAY DOUGH: Assorted Playdough Colors / Shape Cutters
- EASEL: Temptation coloring page pdf
- Call students 1 at a time to work on a SWORD project
- Each child finds their own full body tracing tracing. Each child labels his/her sword using sticker labels.
Students must tidy up the centers where they were playing when the timer rang. Teachers/Helpers oversee this activity. Students learn to sort and return items to their proper place. In so doing, they are learning to take care of the classroom. It also helps them be prepared for dismissal. Once the centers are tidy, students move to the BOOK NOOK and quietly look at books.
- If parents have not arrived after 5 minutes of quiet reading, lead the children in a game (such as Bean Bag Toss, Duck Duck Goose, Doggie Doggie Who Has My Bone, I Spy, etc).
Assign an adult to greet parents/guardians.
Call students ONE AT A TIME when families arrive. Prompt the remaining student to call out, “GOODBYE (student’s name).”
Families ckeck mailboxes. Today’s TAKE HOME: TEMPTATION worksheet / TEMPTATION booklet pdf